Competitive Cheerleading Sexual Abuse | Sexual Abuse Investigation
Cheerleaders and their parents who put their trust in many coaches and Cheer Gyms’ employees around the county have been faced with the traumatic reality of sexual abuse. Recent cases, like the investigation into (now deceased) coach Scott Foster of Rockstar Cheer and Dance, have also brought attention to the alleged negligence of Cheer Gyms, USASF, USA Cheer and Varsity Spirit when protecting cheerleaders.
Cheer Gyms, USASF, USA Cheer and Varsity are obligated to keep cheerleaders safe. If they fail to do so or do not offer proper support in instances of reported sexual abuse, they have to be held accountable. If you or a loved one has been sexually assaulted, you should Contact Us immediately. Remember: everything you share with your lawyer is confidential.

Competitive Cheerleading Sexual Abuse | What happened?
Many kids (and their parents) dedicate hours to competitive cheerleading. They put their trust in the coaches, only to find out that the “nearly 180 individuals affiliated with cheerleading who have faced charges relating to sexual misconduct involving minors […] were not banned by the sport’s two governing bodies, USASF and USA Cheer. More than 140 of them – a group that includes coaches, choreographers and others directly tied to the activity – have been convicted, and 74 are registered sex offenders.” (Yahoo! News)
Sadly, it comes at no surprise headlines that highlight the situation in recent years:
Texas Cheerleading Coach Accused of ‘Twisted, Deranged’ Sexual Abuse (The Daily Beast)
Varstity cheerleading faces sex abuse claims amid antitrust litigation (Sportico)
Federal lawsuit alleges cheerleaders were sexually abused by coaches in South Carolina, including one who recently killed himself (CBS News)
Bellevue cheer coach charged with child molestation after two students come forward. (K5)
While sexual predators can be coaches, assistant coaches, employees and other people who are close to the cheerleaders, the institutions that allow them to prey on kids also need to be held accountable. In Competitive Cheerleading, the institutions include:
- USASF Certified Cheer Gyms
- Cheer USA
- Varsity Spirit
Survivors of sexual abuse face many challenges and consequences that can last for years. In situations like these, it is important to reach out to family and friends for support, as well as doctors and professionals who can help you through the recovery process. It is also paramount to hold the perpetrators accountable: sexual predators and the negligent institutions that failed to provide a safe environment and/or did not respond properly/ according to the law upon being notified about the crime.
Competitive Cheerleading Sexual Abuse | What can survivors and their families do?
Peiffer Wolf Carr Kane Conway & Wise is a nationally recognized law firm. Our team of attorneys is fully prepared to assist our clients, protect their privacy, and guide them through the whole process in sexual abuse cases.
If a Cheer Gym, USASF, USA Cheer and Varsity failed to keep you or a loved one safe, you should Contact Us immediately. You can fill out an online contact form or call 415-766-3544 for a FREE Consultation. Remember: everything you share with your lawyer is confidential.
Yes. Please use our contact form to request a free case evaluation. Tell us your story, and one of our lawyers will respond to tell you if we think we can help.
We work almost all of our cases under contingent fee arrangements. If we take your case under a contingent fee arrangement, you won’t owe our firm any legal fees unless we are able to recover money for you.
Our contingent fee is either based on a percentage of the amount we recover for our client (which generally ranges from one-third of the recovery up to 40%) or the amount of work we perform on your case, multiplied by our current hourly rates. The percentage we will charge in your case depends on the type of case, when your case resolves, and whether you request us to advance litigation costs (including filing fees, postage, expert witness fees, etc.). Generally, the percentage is higher if we are advancing litigation costs and your case does not resolve early.
In most litigation matters, it is extremely difficult – practically impossible – to predict how long or how many hours will it take to resolve a particular case. Every case is different in terms of the complexity. For instance, a simple breach of contract matter is likely to get resolved significantly faster than a complicated lawsuit involving multiple parties, numerous claims, complex issues of law, and extensive discovery. The other parties’ cooperation, the attorneys’ schedules, as well as the number of other cases on the court’s docket are also the factors.